Studio Recording . . . memories of nolits studio

In the past few month our new band ‘magpie’ got busy in the studio recording materials for our new album. We are doing the album in three separate studios. Most of the tracks are recorded in Pink Noise Studio in Quezon City. The keyboard tracks are done in samsmidi studio and I will do the bass tracks in my own home studio.

On the left is a picture of wayne guiding drummer mon at Pink Noise studio 3. Sitting on that sofa watching the takes brings back memories on how I got involved in studio recording. It is amazing how the digital age dramatically changed the way the studio looks. Gone are all those bulky reel tapes and tons of rackmounts. With a mac on board and a monitor, it is so much easier to map out recording tracks especially on punch ins as you can visually see the waveforms and where the parts of the song is located.

When I was young I had tons and tons of songs in my head that I wanted to record. So I did the demotep 1(click here to view the complete demotep series listing). I couldnt get all the elements I wanted on a simple acoustic guitar and vocals. So I used a keyboard(Yamaha PSR 200) with a simple rhythm composer and the result was the demotep 2. But I couldnt get what I really wanted with each song. Since I didnt have a band yet, I decided to record every instrument on two cassette recorder. First I record the guitar guide on the first cassette recorder. Then I play it on a player while playing another instrument while recording it on another cassette recorder thru the built in mic (I didnt have a mixer yet). Then again I play the result and played the next instrument while recording. And so on. It was really crude but it created what I almost wanted on a song. The result was the demotep 3 and 4.

Then I bought a Fostex cassette based multitracker. This one had full sized faders, two auxiliary sends and returns, 12 channels and 4 tracks of recording using typeB magnetic cassette tape. With the drums from my band I borrowed (a taiwan made yema music set), my old bass amp from raon (RS3000), a Roland D5 keyboard, a Boss SE50 halfrack signal processor unit and an old reliable sony cassette recorder, I converted my living room into a recording studio. During this time the band thing was brewing as LA105 has started opening its doors to play on the air demos of unsigned bands. The Nolit’s Studio is about to hit big!

With a few recording clients, I was able to buy my own Premier ATK drum set with Sabian cymbals (including a splash). I got a 3-tier keyboard stand and some mic stands. I also converted my living room into a full studio. Set up cartoon eggtrays from ceiling to walls, glassed all the windows and padded the doors. My favourite equiptment was the vocal mic – a cheap transducer type powered mic with home made pop filter (wire hanger and an old used stockings). I was even able to buy a stereo transducer mic (with two individual plugs) which I got cheaply since the saleslady was puzzled how to plug in the two plugs. It was at this point when really a lot of recording clients poured in. Thankts to Miyo Arellano of Aroin studio, Raymund Kutch (who now owns Jamtraxxx Studios), Hazel (who now runs SoundKitchen Digital Recording Studio in Fairview) and a lot of nice friends who strongly recommended my recording studio to their clients. I recall Angel In Disguise with ney (of 6cycleminds) did a demo in my studio.

When I got into a band called gladys and the boxers under backroom inc I made a partnership with our guitarist Julius Esteban and Yamaha Instructor Lyndon Aguilar to form the Purple Music Studio in D Tuazon, Quezon City. It was a downgrade for me as I was already running a complete studio alone then now I have to deal with partners but it was a big help since I couldnt handle the surge of recording clients alone anymore. We acquired two Fender Princeton 112 guitar amps, A Fender KXR 100 keyboard amp and a Marshall Bass State bass amp (which I hated until now). A set of crown power amps and monitors, a yamaha 16channel mixer and a new acoustically sound room. I pitched in my drumset, multitracker, keyboards, effects processors and other stuff.

Purple Music studio didnt took off as expected. With a new venue and new owners (and new price), not all clients of mine opted to move in. But I have recorded a few I know including – – Lalaine Edson, Cookie Chua, Dream Kitchen, Painted Skies, Bisqit Factory, and a lot more. I had enough time and equiptment to really explore deeply the techniques in recording. And I was able to train my ear further in mastering the art of recording.

After a year of Purple Music, the partnership went sour and the studio shut down. I felt I was alone in managing the studio without any pay while we are recieving equal amount of profits. I was totally devastated with the loss of my favourite work. Out of disgust I sold my Premier drum set along with all the peripherals, the keyboard and its stand, and all the other equiptment. I only maintained the fostex multitracker.

I bought a Fostex DE-1 20bit dual effects processor. It was a perfect match for my 2 aux send fostex multitracker. I also bought a yamaha DR-550 mk2 drum machine. This was now a personal studio where I recorded some of my own songs for my solo album project “Early Reflections, Late Night Decisions”. I was able to record a few projects for some of my friends a well. Including an unfinished album of a young female singer which included a lot of potential hits.

Then the digital age was coming. Programs which used to be midi only sequencer are now accepting multiple tracks of audio. So I experimented and started working on my PC using cubase. I am not much of a midi programmer and audio was really my cup of tea. I also tried on the program called Sonic Fondry Acid which is a loops based sequencer. I tried learning Reason and am impressed with the interface where you press tab and get the back of a rackmount complete with interactive virtual wires which you can rearrange. With this development my old fostex multitracker was shelved for a long time. Checking on it a few months back, I found that the belts melted down and a few knobs are missing. But basically it can still be repaired. However, a lot of power can be brought up with a PC with more capabilities than the old analog multitracker. So I sold my Dr Rhythm drum machine since I now can use a program with similar or better results. I am using Reason for the drums and percussion.

Now recording with Magpie, I am gathering all my knowledge in recording to do my own thing at home using a line6 toneport UX2, to get a 24bit/96khz recording resolution matching the drum tracks done in Pink Noise on Protools. It is amazing that a production quality recording can be achieved from home recording. Except of course for the voice, drums and guitars which needs acoustics (although guitars can be done with modellers for the non purists and drums can be loops sequenced). Everything is now computer based. And it is very much easier having a visual map.

I may not be setting up my old nolits studio again even though I have the resources to do it. Recording can now be done at home on a simple set of equiptment. I was lucky to have experienced to have the resources when access to it was scarce and was able to share it with a lot of aspiring musicians to realize their dream of recording their song. I was able to witness their firsts in the recording process. And I am happy to have helped them. But as times has changed they dont need me anymore as they can do a demo on their own PC. All I could contribute right now is the wisdom I have earned in the recording industry.

To all those who I have served in the recording of their songs, thanks a lot for giving me the knowledge I have gained from experience. And thanks a lot for making me a part of the history of their songs.

I hope our first album for Magpie will hit big in the commercial market. Although we have vowed to continue on recording songs in a regular habit to make a lot of albums of our songs may it be commercial or not. As long as we express ourselves, and will continue to learn the recording process…….It wil never end.

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From 2.8k to 1.2m: internet connection woes

Its has been over a decade since I first got online. And a lot has changed ever since.

I got my first PC in 1997. Before that I was using my aunts PC-XT which later upgraded to a PC-AT 486. This was running on win 3.11 and later upgraded to win95. But for my own PC I had it installed with the “new” win97 which later became win98. I have been using this operating system for a long time even as winxp became so popular. Only when service pack 2 came out did I move to windows xp. I have been recieving a windows update cd regularly from microsoft for my windows 98.

My first PC came with an internal 14.4kbps modem. This was the fastest thing at that time. Since internet was too expensive (there were no prepaid cards yet and you have to get a yearly subscription for a dial up connection), I had to settle for modem to modem connection. With the help of wai (from the band leowai), I was introduced to BBSing – modem to modem community using bulletin board softwares. These are actual home computers where individuals open their modems to anybody who would want to connect PC to PC for file transfers or messaging. They are usually simple hobbyist as profit making in this system is hard. But it is an alternative to internet since connection is free. All you need is a list of numbers of BBS in your area and ask you PC to dial that number using hyperterminal. Connection means entering the owner’s domain. So presentation and themes is the thing. Since this is hyperterminal connection, graphics is pure ansi. The menu is basically key based and not GUI.

The BBS community then was big. We held regular eyeball meetings at foodcourt in malls. I recall the sponsors of event were the big BBSes such as livewire. For my own BBS, I got over 1,000 members with over 100 actively uploading files and checking messages. Since I only have one phone line, connection is limitted to one at a time. I cater mostly midi and other music files. Not much mp3s yet since this will take a long while to download and I dont want users to hog the line. When the internet became popular, the BBS fame started to fade. Most BBS then were using maximus while I was using wildcat – an expensive and impressive system.

So the internet came in and I had to upgrade my modem. I got a 36kbps diamond supra external modem (serial) which I still have up to now. I later on changed to a 56k internal. I had so much computer hardware junk accomulated through the years from several upgrades. But I kept the classic ones. I still have an original 2.8kbps Hayes Smartmodem External(the mother of all modems). This heavy big hunk was the first of its kind. Mine is all new complete with box. Never been used except for tests. Still functioning.

With my network in the bbs community, Iconex (an internet service provider) saw my potential for sales and hired me to be a sales agent. And so I got my own internet connection. Immediately I started learning the languange of websites and worked on graphics for different sites here and there. Unfortunately my connection with iconex did not last long and I had to settle for prepaid dial up cards which was the in thing at the time.

I was able to discover a rare prepaid card with unlimited monthly time. At this time I was hooked up with the first online multiplayer game in the country – level up’s OzWorld. I need the unlimited time since I was almost online playing the games 24hrs. I was also working on web hosting and web design.

When work started to pour in I needed a faster and more reliable connection. So I got my first dsl subscription from digitel. It was a 128kbps connection. I had no problems with the connection from digitel. I even got a Prolink adsl modem with USB. Which helped when my lan was damaged. I was still connected to the modem thru usb. But the costumer support was really a pain. There was even one technical problem they fail to fix and reached almost a month without connection before they act on it despite my almost daily follow ups. I never got a rebate from my one month of no service despite my formal complaint in writing.

I moved to a new home in a new location. So I had to get a new internet connection. In july 2007, I got bayantel dsl since this was the only one available in the area other than pldt. I subscribed for a 768kbps which can go 1mbps on demand during non peak hours. I have had several issues with bayantel. First their Huawei adsl modem (the white and orange thing) could easily be damaged with small electrical spikes such as lightling. This is what happened to mine. Luckily the technician had an old ZTE ZXDSL 831 modem from another client who wanted a brand new, so I asked him that I will use that instead since I know this modem is durable.

The problem with bayantel is that they do not announce to their users of any update in their subscription plans. I find this very unfair, although others says it is beyond the yearly agreement when you get a one year lock in subscription. Around november 2007 they updated their plans with almost half the price off. My 768 connection which I was paying P1,699/mo became P899/mo. Same rates apply on other plans. Bayantel do not automatically adjust you account. You have to call them so that you get your account adjusted to either paying lower price for the same speed or maintaining the price for a higher speed. The adjustment was not even annouced in thier bill. Subscribers had to learn about it from word of mouth. I learned mine from a billboard. Later my neighboor did an adjustment so I learned that it is possible. All you have to do is to call their customer support an request for it. Now I have a 1.2mbps connection which goes up to 1.5mbps on offpeak hours.

HEre are the new plans for bayantel.

  • Plan 899 (PhP 899 per month) – from 384 Kbps now 768 Kbps, burstable to 1280 Kbps during off-peak hours
  • Plan 1699 (PhP 1,699 per month) – from 768 Kbps now 1280 Kbps, burstable to 1536 Kbps during off-peak hours
  • Plan 1999 (PhP 1,999 per month; new plan!) – 2048 Kbps
  • Plan 2560 (PhP 2,560 per month) – from 1536 Kbps now 2560 Kbps

If you are using bayantel and still running/paying the old rates, call them now.

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Search Me 6

Updated Notes: Since multiply has long been gone, all the links on this post has also been dead. If you still need the files please search on spotify, deezer, apple music or amazon Music. If they are not available there and are already out of print do not hesitate message me on fb.

OzWorld in-game songs

With You – Kyla
Hintay – Sugarfree
Baby I’m Yours – Patricia Javier
Dreams With You – True Faith

Karapatang Pantao Compilation

Tagulalay Ng Ulilang Musmos – Susan Fernandez-Magno
Ano Ba Ito? – The Next
Batingaw – Asin
Warning – Chikoy Pura
Me In The Middle – WUDS
Caught In The Crossfire – Hayp
Paaralan – Banyuhay Ni Heber
Ikaw Na May Baril – Joey Ayala At Ang Bagong Lumad
Pinggan – Pol Galang
Irony – Noli Aurillo
Kapayapaan Hatid Ng Katarungan – Sinaglahi
Tatsulok – Buklod
Halina – Jess Santiago
Rodrigo – Dessa Quesada
Kundiman Ng Escalante – Inang Laya
Where Is My Eden? – Identity Crisis
Why Are You Following Me? – Lokal Brown
Bayan Naming Minamahal – Patatag
Attorney Akupado – Bosyo
Maria – Spy

Kuyakurt – Bastusan

12 Days of Xmas
Putang Inang Bakasyon
Wala Pa Rin
Bukkake Acid
The Resignation Song
Aalis Na Ako
Deleyed (Syet)
Delayed (Full Band Mix)

Princess Princess – The Singles 1987 – 1992

The Private Fanfare
19 Growing Up – Ode to my Brother
In world the hottest summer
Oh Yeah
As For Love Balance
Go Away Boy
Get Crazy
My Will
Jungle Princess
Seven Years After
You Wanted to become a pilot
In The Day When It Clears Up

Kanako Nakayama – One Shot

Kanako Surfing JPN
Usabarashi (Distraction)
Shijou Usaidai No Sakusen (Largest Manuevers in History)
Beru (Bell)
Kumo (Cloud)
Satin Doll
Are Kara (From That)
Muhouchitai (Illegal Zone)
Mou Ichido Aitai
Osake No Uta (Salmon Song)

Rufa Mae Quinto

Ocean Deep
All This Time
Track 3

Londonbeat – Harmony

You Bring On The Sun
Lover You Send Me Colours
That’s How I Feel About You
Some Lucky Guy
Secret Garden
Give A Gift To Yourself
All Born Equal
Rainbow Ride
Keeping The Memories Alive
The Sea Of Tranquility

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Another Multiply Download Trick

Recently I have received complaints from friends whom I helped out with multiply that they cannot install unplug mozilla addon. There are other beta users of mozilla 3.0 who cannot install unplug. So here are two tricks using the same principle.

If you are downloading only one or two songs, simply right click on the playlist and save them to your pc. On your file explorer, right click on the playlist you have just downloaded (it is an m3u file) and open it with notepad. In the notepad you will see the links of each song, they are very loooong. Its tricky to pick on a link so try to analyze each link. Now, copy the link and paste it on the address of your browser. This will download the file.

Or you can use the orbitdownloader. A really helpful downloader (download it from The procedure is somewhat the same. Right click on the playlist and choose save by orbit. change the extention of the file from .m3u to .olt and save the file to your pc. Then open your orbit downloader, click on file-import list of downloads.. browse to the olt file you have just downloaded. You will see a list of multimedia files you can download. Check on those you want then choose the destination folder you want the songs to be saved.

This helped me a lot since I am in the province in my mom’s PC. And I dont want to install any plug ins on her mozilla.

But if you have unplug installed, things will be much easier. This is only another alternative.


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A new celphone or Asus eee?

If you are planning to buy the latest celphone with all the perks here is what you normaly get: on most latest phones you get an ARM11 based processor running on aroun 300 to 400mhz processors. Nokia runs on Symbian OS which is basically limited with what thirdparty applications offer to specific series model. I own a pocketPC and it runs on a windows mobile 5. Most of these units have 320×240 screen resolution with around 2.8 inch TFT screen. And yes you have the normal numeric keypad or a touchscreen. But basically all of them are crammed up on that small device which you can put into your pocket.

And the advertising battlecry: You can go online anytime anywhere with your celphone, enjoy browsing the internet, play multimedia, etc. But are you really enjoying it? First of all it is a struggle to click on the keypads to type words. Your emails and documents ends up with text style shortcuts. Its ok to watch videos alone on you celphone, but its stupid to cram up all bigheads of your friends just to watch a video on a small screen. your friends always end up watching them one by one instead of together. Such a waste of time. Imagine laughing and commenting on a video when half of your friends are still lined up to watch the video.

So you want something better than a phone. Good thing this subnotebooks came out. Actually the palmtop PCs were in the market for some time but it was only recently that it hit a score. There may be other brands amd models, including those which are part of the PC for every schoolchildren project but I find ASUS eee a better alternative.

The model name eee stands for the three “e”s. Easy to learn, Easy to work, Easy to play. Around the size of a usual school notebook (7” more or less). The screen is 7 inches with resolution of 640 x 800. A 900 mhz Intel Celeron-M processor with 512 memory. But when I visited the local store they already have the equivalent of 1.6mhz processor with 1gb memory.

It doesnt have the normal hardisk that we know of. It employs a 2gb, 4gb and 8gb solid state storage. But who needs a big memory when you can always plug in an external hardisk thru USB or a memory card with its built in MMC/SD card slot. It also has a built in webcam, wifi, 3g, built in speakers, Lan, Modem, and 3 usb ports. Compatible with windows XP SP2 or Vista, linux or macOS.

The price is only around P15,000 ($350). And this will definitely go lower as newer models and competition will come up. But definitely lower than a celphone with similar functions. So why buy a high end mobile phone when you can have a PC so small that it is easy to carry. Oh yes, you will probably need a phone to call. So I suggest you get a cheaper mobile phone with some of this basic functions – one with modem so you can connect to your eee via usb and surf the net when there are no wifi available. And a camera coz it will look funny taking pictures using the webcam of you eee.

So why not buying a full laptop? Well, for me I wouldnt want to bring a hunk of a thing with all features on the go. Only the things which can be done quickly or temporarily. I will have everything finalized in my office. All I need on the go are checking emails, checking sites I manage, a small presentation thing for clients, a little entertainment such as games and multimedia. So why bring to much for these basic things. Besides the reason why I am out is because I want to get away from work.

So what do you think? Convinced? Now I should get a comission form Asus for writing this article. LOL.

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MP Night (Mar 30, 1995)

MP NIGHT 70s Bistro
March 30, 1995
(originally published on Rock & Rhythm Vol 5 No. 82)
By Sig

Coming from the album launching of Rizal Underground, I tried to convince BJ, Babe Breath and HLHD vocalist Alfie to heed the invitation of Lvna’s bassist Nolit for this event. Medjo bitin kasi ung kaskasan ng Rizal. Hindi sumama si Babe dahil me aasikasuhin pa siyang new wave party na pakulo nya. Nag-begged-off rin si Bostsip at meron ‘atang happening sa haybols nila. Medjo nabadtrip ‘ata sa punyemas na security ng Arts Venue. Akala mo kasi may nanakawin ka sa beer-joint na ito! So, that leaves Alfie and I… hmmm..o, sige, tuloy sa 70’s! Tahakin ang landas patungo sa Anonas. Tutal, very special tong gig na ‘to. Why? Kasi it marks the return into “supremacy” of the most respected musical organization in the local shore. Anong organization ‘to? Ano pa, e di Musicians For Peace! Dont tell me you have never heard of this group before?

Eniweys, we arrived an hour late at 70s. We missed the multi-media presentation of the cultural group Tumbang Preso. ‘Yun pa naman ang medyo pinaka-highlight ng gabing ito. Medyo pinarelate ko na lang sa ilang members ng grupo kung ano ‘yung na-miss ko from their presentation. Their act started out with the usual game of “tumbang-preso” where one character hits a can with his slippers, making it fall down. Lights-off and a mime was presented. Tapos may kumanta ng “Magtanim ay Di Biro” na sinundan ng isang lalaking pinupukpok ang base ng mic stand at isa pang nag ii-scrape ng kahoy sa stage. Sinundan ulit ‘yon ng isang mime entitled “Beso” at isang monologue na excerpt mula sa tula ni Rene de Guzman entitiled “Testimonya Ng Isang Unos.” Ukol ito sa pighati ng asawa ng isang magsasakang sinalvage na hanggang sa kasalukuyan ay hindi pa natatagpuan ang katawan. Sumunod ang isang “sigaw-salitan” ng anim na katao. Tapos may nag-tumbang preso ulit sa entablado at winakasan ito ng isang awit ni Jess Santiago entitled “Meme na Aking Bunso” mula sa point of view ng isang ina. Nakakalungkot lang ngang isipin at bihira tayo makakita ng ganitong presentation. Minsan nga ni sa tanang buhay natin ay dehins pa tayo nakakamalas ng ganito. Andami pa naman sa atin ang hindi pa mulat o kaya’y nagbubulag-bulagan sa nangyayari sa paligid natin. Awakening sana ito. More of this, please. at sana tayong mahihilig sa musika ay magkaroon rin ng panahon para sa mga ganitong uri ng sining upang mapalawak ang ating kaisipan at magkaroon ng sense ang ating mga tugtugan at uri ng musikang pinakikinggan.

Natapos ang set ng Tumbang Preso. Tugtugan naman. Unang sumampa ang bandang Bersus. Hataw pare. Blues, with matching cool na mga buga sa harmonica. They did three of their original songs. They also delivered Tom Petty’s “I Wont Back Down” and Juan Dela Cruz’ “Pinoy Blues.” May dalawa pa silang tinugtug na dehils ko alam kung sino ang bumira.

Sunod sa tumuntong sa stage e ‘yung Lvna. Ibang uri ng bantan. New-wavish. U2-ish. They started their set with an original called “Pagwasto” na para bang naghahamon sa mga “rejectionist” na nando’n nung gabing yun. They then dished out two environmental songs of their own. Tumira rin sila ng tatlong U2 classics before finishing out with their anthemic “Halina, Karina” to the delight of every kabataang may nationalistic spirit that night. Medyo bahagyang bumilis lang nga ‘yung tugtugan ng Lvna.

Pagkatapos no’n ay meron parang film showing. Hindi ko nakita kung ano ‘yung nilalaman nun una. ‘Yung sumunod e malakas na nakatawag ng aking pansin. Ilang excerpts ng mga unang tugtugan ng Asin at ang burol at libing ng gitarista nitong si Cesar “Saro” Banares sa Cotabato. Siyets! Nakakaluha. Biktima ng injustice. Teka, ano na nga palang nangyari sa kaso niya?

Ang film showing ay sinundan ng isa pang skit. Dalawang babae,. Isang mahirap, isang mayaman. Pinakita ang contrast ng buhay nila. Tapos biglang umarteng nire-rape ‘yung isang babae. Ang galing! Great! Best actress!

Sunod ang isa sa pinakahihintay ng lahat. Ang bagong grupo ng other half ng Buklod duo na si Rom Dongeto. Christened as Remondato, kasama ni Rom sa grupong ito ang isa rin sa original na miyembro ng Buklod na si Rene Boncocan at isa pang gitarista na nakilala ko lamang sa pangalan na Adi. Anyway, they didnt fail to spark the audience who where all waiting for their set. Bumira sila ng tatlong classics ng Buklod such as “Ang Ating Awit,” “Buhay At Bukid” at ang theme song ng karamihang magsing-irog na tibak na “Kanlungan.” May dalawa silang binanatan entitled “Hangin” at “Lumingon Ka” na bagong komposisyon ‘ata ng grupo. Ang galing ng set nila. Well-applauded.

May tatlo pang grupong sumunod sa Remondato. Una e ‘yung bagong member ‘ata ng MP na banda called Iskandalo na nag 10,000 Maniacs at bumanat ng ilang progressive songs. Sumunod dito e ‘yung folk singer na si Leonard de Leos na tumipa ng awitin ni Pol Galang na “Pinggan” at ng “Himig Natin.” Si Leonard ay may inilabas na solo album na maiiskor sa Mayric’s at 70’s Bistro at nakapagtataka na hindi sya umawit ng mga sarili niyang kanta. Pagbaba ni Leonard ay pumanhik naman ang tatlong ex-members ng makasaysayang grupong Patatag. Bumanat sila ng tatlong awitin ng Patatag at pagkatapos ay winakasan na rin an gabing iyon.

At doon nagwakas ang selebrasyong iyon ng MP. Actually, repeat performance lang daw ito ng katulad rin idinaos nila isang linggo na nagdaan. Nevertheless, okey pa rin at marami ring nanuod at nakiusyoso. Sana’y tuloy-tuloy na ang muling pagbulusok ng MP sa pag-oorganisa ng mga musikero lalo pa’t may makakatulong na muli si Rom na buuin ito’t malapit nang dumating si Chikoy at ang The Jerks. Buhay na naman ang mga makabayng musikero! (Kaya?!) Salamat sa MP sa accomodations. – SIG

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I am Green Lantern

I am not much of an online quiz guy but this one intrigued me so I tried it and here it goes.

Your results:
You are Green Lantern

Green Lantern
The Flash
Iron Man
Wonder Woman
Hot-headed. You have strong
will power and a good imagination.

Click here to take the “Which Superhero are you?” quiz…

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Search Me 5!

Updated Notes: Since multiply has long been gone, all the links on this post has also been dead. If you still need the files please search on spotify, deezer, apple music or amazon Music. If they are not available there and are already out of print do not hesitate message me on fb.

Third Wave Volume 1
Too Young For Promises – Koo De Tah
You’ve Got The Power – WIN
Circus Ring – Vitamin Z
The Way You Are – Tears For Fears
Cities In Dust – Siouxsie & The Banshees
In Between Days – The Cure
The Look Of Love – ABC
Reduced To Tears – In Parallel
Gun Law – The Kane Gang

Jeff Wayne – War Of The Worlds
The Eve Of The War
Horsell Common And The Heat Ray
The Artilleryman And The Fighting Machine
Forever Autumn
The Red Weed (Part 1)
The Spirit Of Man
The Red Weed (Part 2)
The Artilleryman Returns
Brave New World
Dead London
Epilogue (Part 1)
Epilogue (Part 2) (NASA)

Is This The World We Created – Queen
Turn Your Back on Me – Kajagoogoo
Shock the Monkey – Peter Gabriel
Windpower – Thomas Dolby
Mad World – Tears for Fears
Breathing – Kate Bush
Let’s All Make a Bomb – Heaven 17
Show Me – The Pretenders
Push And Shove – Hazel O’Connor & Chris Thompson
Equality – Howard Jones
Wings Of A Dove – Madness
Human Racing – Nik Kershaw
Save The World – George Harrison
Killing Time – Roger Taylor
Blasphemous Rumours – Depeche Mode
No Fear, No Hate, No Pain (No Broken Hearts) – Eurythmics

A Conspiracy Of Hope
Higher Love – Steve Winwood
Biko – Peter Gabriel
Passengers – Elton John
I Believe (A Soulful Re-Recording) – Tears For Fears
No One Is To Blame – Howard Jones
Pipes Of Peace – Paul McCartney
Strange Fruit – Sting
Brothers In Arms – Dire Straits
Pink Houses – John Cougar Mellencamp
Ghost Dancing – Simple Minds
Tonight – Bryan Adams

Rock The World (The Anti-Heroin Project)
The Man’s too Strong – Dire Straits
Blue (Armed With Love) – Wham!
Hooked On Love – Bananarama
We Came Here To Rock – Saxon
Candles – Chris Rea
It’s Not Easy – Bonnie Tyler
Please Be Good To Me – Menudo
Slay The Dragon – Holly Johnson
Never Never – Feargal Sharkey
Something Better – Kim Wilde/Precious Wilson/Daryl Pandy/Bobby Whitlock
Magical – Bucks Fizz
She’s Gonna Love Ya To Death – John Parr
The Needle and The Damage Is Done – The Icicle Works with Pete Wylie
Little Bit Of Snow – Howard Jones
Aqua – Eurythmics

Eurock (Compilation)
Imagination – Belouis Some
Young Hearts of Europe – U-Bahn X
No Rest – New Model Army
Tarzan Boy – Baltimora
I Hear You Calling – The Bernhardts
Just Your Love – Umo Vogue
Under The Bridge – Boys In Darkness
Heart Of Darkness – Boys In Darkness
Time Of Your Life – Umo Vogue
Kiss Of Death – U-Bahn X

Alternative (Promo)
My My Marilyn – Jupiter 2
Oil FOr The Lamps Of China – The Listening Pool
Fear Not The Sword My Son – Boy George
Roses – The Julie Dolphin
Dream On – Xymox
Be Your Eyes – Liz ‘n’ Love
Basement Love – Brontes
Its Alright – Denaro
Let’s Start Playing – Big Light
Fear (Jane Plays Guitar) – Die Art
Birthday – The Julie Dolphin
I Imagine – Zee
Revelation – Ultravox
Street Lost – Cecil

Luna – Bewitched
California (all the way)
Tiger Lily
This time around
Great jones street
Going home
Into the fold
I know you tried
Sleeping pill

Traci Lords – 1,000 Fires
Fallen Angel
Distant Land
Outlaw Lover
I Want You
Say Something
Father’s Field

Tia Carrere – Dream (+ Bonus)
State Of Grace
I Wanna Come Home With You Tonight
Innocent Side
I Never Even Told You
Gift Of Perfect Love
Love Is A Cannibal
We Need To Belong
Our Love
Dream A Perfect Dream
Ballroom Blitz (Bonus)
Why You Wanna Break My Heart (Bonus)

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NOLIT ABANILLA, An Autobiography

Input no 7
NOLIT ABANILLA, An Autobiography
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal – An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.

The Birth

I first saw tha world on th third early morning of october. The year was 1969. As the candles of life starts to born, soft glitters fill the eyes of Lito and Let, both medical doctors and my proud parents. Their youngest son has finally witnessed the beauty of Tacloban city, the capital of the province of Leyte and a city sorrounded by all the glories which nature could offer.

I grew up in this boutiful neighboorhood, a perfect blend of greens and urban development. I was able to climb mountains during both rainy and dry seasons, explore the shells and colourful stones on beaches and discover the occasional waterfalls on mountainsides. I have also played with kids doing street games, go biking, hanging around construction sites, waddle on muds where a subdivision is being developed. I also went to one shcoo where I spent playing with the same kids for 11 years (kindergarten to high school).

The Philosophical Formation

After graduating from high school, I took a year in college majoring in philosophy. Although I was determined to be an artist and eager to study Fine Arts, I thought an artist has to have a firm principle in life before being able to talk about life itself. And besides, fine arts courses are not offered in Tacloban city and the political climate was intense in manila at that time (A year before Edsa Uprising).

After a year in AB Philosphy, I came to manila and immediately enrolled at PWU. At this point, I began participating in cause oriented activities. I formed student and your artists organizations. On my second uear in college, my participation to these activities were so intense that I decided to stop schooling nad dedicated my full effort in the progressive movement. I became a national secretariat of an AB-CBN – NCCP sponsored relief and rehabilitaion operations for various calamity victims such as earthquakes, floods , volcanic eruptions, etc.

I was also able to go to far flung areas and mingle with various people. I was able to stay with strikebound workers, living on the picketlines, farmers who picket the DAR offices, urban poor in makeshift shanties, etc. I was also able to talk to people involved with the underground movement, especially revolutionaries who stayed on the mountains as well as urban partisans.

But in 1994, there was a shake-up in the underground movement which eventually split into two: the reaffirmist (those who continue to believe in the rural to urban revolution – marxist-leninist-maoist line) and the rejectionist (military adventurists who believe in violent urban insurrection). This demoralized my enthusiasm with the organization which led to my quiting the movement. I have friends on both sides and it was difficult being in the middle.

The Artist

Even at a very early age, I knew I was going to be an artist. It was probably my mother’s frustration of not finding time to develop her artistic talents which pushed me into this interest. Before going to school, my mother introduced me to all the mediums used in art. At school, I usually fill the pages of my notebooks with drawings.

I did my first exhibit fresh out of high school. This was with a group of artists in Tacloban City. Then I formed an art group which now had members nationally. This is called Lupon ng Nagkakaisang Artista or LUNA. I was able to organize numerous exhibits with this group. But I later quit the luna in 1994.

I worked as a freelance visual artist doing illustrations for campaign posters, (10 have graced the walls of metro manila), books, magazines, etc. I am currently illustrating for textbooks for grade school. I am also currently finishing my Fine Arts degree in college.

The Writer

There was a period in my life that I felt visual art as a very limiting medium. Since 1986, I was the artist of school paper (3 schools spanning 4 years). Being around with writers made me udnerstand the business and so I followed suit. I wrote short stories and articles which were occasionally published in these school paper nad in national magazines.

Then I worked for Virgilio Almario’s Filipino Magazin as a features writer. My beat was on art and culture, frequently reviewing art exhibits. I stayed with the Filmag for 2 years before deciding to become a contributor instead.

The Musician

Finding visual arts and literature still limiting in expressing myself, I got into music. I was raised in a musical world with stereos blasting my ears, I learned how to strum a guitar at an early age. I later formed a band called LVNA, to serve as an outletfor my compositions. I was also able to play with popular bands such as Lolita Carbonm Agaw Agimat, etc.

In a pocket, this probably summarizes a chapter of my life story. At this point all I could say is that we are indeed heading to the right direction. I just hope its an easy way.

– 30 –

Nice to know you, nolit. You are such a talented guy. Keep going. Okey! – Ms Tauro

Nolit, it was such a nice experience reading your entries. Good luck to all your undertakings. You have the talents. – Ms Tauro

Post note: There were more entries on the journal but I ended it here. I got a 100% grade from Professor Janet Tauro. Janet was our editor in chief int the school paper when I was 1st year in college in PWU. Since I stopped school and came back she became my professor. But she is really a good friend of mine together with her equally beautiful and talented sister who also became my co-staffer.

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