Input no. 3
Literature is Important or Relevant to Man
Note: Taken from Literary Visions Journal – An assignment for my literary class in college at PWU-IFAD (GEEN 216) under my professor and friend Ms Janet Tauro.
It is important to read and create literature, so that we could catch up with the fast pace of civilization. If man would disregard literature, he would easily forget his past, especially the experiences of his family or the history of his community. He may be committing the same mistakes which his ancestors undertook. This way, the development of the community would be slow.
In the development of a society, there must be the cycle of theory and practice. A theory cannot be implemented inta a plan of action if this is not based on the reality which took place before hand. And in this process a proper documentation is important in order to be accurate. This is literature.
For fictional literature, this form is important in reaching our areas which are blocked by the limitations of straight forward knowledge literature. This include abstract elements such as emotions. Literature is also important in uniting the people towards believing in one reality. J.S. Fichte once recalls, for a nation to beacome one, there must be common binding elements and one of these is literature.
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